Monday, March 09, 2020

Chiefs As World Champions - Part VI

I actually have some time to pound out another post! It's been a while, but we have the whole offseason. While everyone is now wondering how we'll be able to sign Patrick and Chris and still have a team, I'm just riffin' on our team being World Champions. We've got a whole six months just to revel in it. Remember the interminable length of times we'd have to wait for the free agency market to open, then the draft, then the OTAs to see if anyone would emerge who'd really be a contributor? Agony! Well now it's totally the opposite.

On the note about actually having a decent team around Patrick and his cap-swamping $400 million, I'm not worried about that at all. It isn't as much Patrick making it work with whoever's out there (although that is indeed a wonderfully huge part of it!), to me it is more Brett Veach's proven ability to find those diamonds all over the place wherever they may be.

If you didn't read Sports Illustrated's story about our Super Bowl win, you must. There is a part in there about Andy Reid's last days with the Eagles and how difficult it was for him, what with the Eagles collapse and his son's death. The soul-wrenching part was Brett working right there alongside him, being there for him, letting him know wherever he went, he'd be there if he wanted.

Wow. How amazing that he's still with him.

The two are doing miracles for the Kingdom, they really are.

So yeah, bottom line, Andy and Brett have got this.

Anyway, just wanted to add a number of quick items, just randomly, really. I've made so many notes that there is no way I'm going to get to all of them. Each one could merit an entire post, just to get deep into them. So I thought as much as I could I'll pluck out a few simple ones to just add as I can.

First, I just want to emphasize that I still believe we did this without the imprimatur of the NFL and the media-darling-glomming powers-that-be. Suuure Patrick is "the new face of the NFL." Please, even he rejects that label. It was because of the antinomy of those sneering at a small-market Midwest podunk town like Kansas City being on the big stage that we had to go far-and-beyond to build a team to overcome that. We needed a superstar talent like Mahomes and a cohort of super-team players to do the business we needed to do.

Funny, we just had two straight home-game AFC Championship games. It's funny because the year before I thought, huh, we've never had a home-game conference title game of any kind -- even at Metropolitan in the AFL days! I went out of my way to look to see how many other NFL teams haven't, and sure enough, I think I noted that every single team except for a Houston or a Jacksonville had indeed hosted a conference title game at least once in their history.

Where has Super Bowl LIV ranked among Super Bowls in terms of its value, excitement, intensity, good play, all of that? Right after the game I'd noted that USA Today had it ranked 18th. Not bad, top third. Athlon had it as high as 12th. I do definitely think it ranks that high, but not super high, as high as an '88 Niners-Bengals or '16 Patriots-Falcons. I got that. But still, pretty impressive.

I also looked to see how many teams scored 21 points in a quarter, and there weren't many. Five have done it. Only one other team scored 21 in the 4th like we did, and that was the Cowboys in '92 -- but that game was one that was pretty much firmly in Dallas' favor anyway. Our 21 points was desperately needed to come from behind. Only one team ever scored more than 21 in a quarter, and that was that famous Redskins 35 point explosion against the Broncos in the 2nd quarter of the '87 Super Bowl. So yeah, for the Chiefs to do what they did in the 4th quarter of this one, also really impressive!

More stuff to come in another post!

The photograph above was from USA Today. Thank you.

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