Friday, September 11, 2020

Texans at Chiefs - Addendum

I really feel I must add this note about last night's game. It does relate very much to the substance of the post I made a few days ago about Larry Johnson.

Our Chiefs right now are a thoroughly dominant juggernaut. Sure anything can happen in the NFL, and certainly there is a team out there that will play us very well. But it is clear with the addition of Clyde Edwards-Helaire, and for that matter Kelechi Osemele (how about our O-line!), unless something weird or crazy happens we're coasting to another Super Bowl title.

Everything seems to gravy for the Kingdom...

Except for this one thing.

The insane folly of the coronavirus and racialist hysteria.

The coronavirus hysteria first. How in the world can they continue to say this thing is anything except a threat to the very elderly, the chronically ill, and distinctly obese, when there are so many people out and about without masks and not social distancing and not getting this thing? How can they say it is anything when the case and death numbers are so miniscule, and those numbers are largely bogus and inflated? How can they lock down restaurants, churches, schools, and for our purposes, stadiums when everyone is still out in droves shopping at the grocery and retail stores?

Andy Reid was wearing one of the clear plastic shields, and it got so fogged up that he had to lift it to see his plays. Andy Reid STOP you're going to kill somebody out there! 

Please stop. Please stop yelling at me for not wearing a mask. Please stop calling me a conspiracy theorist nutball when I'm the one who knows and shares the truth about this thing. And please stop your idiotic virtue-signaling by wearing a mask when it is scientifically proven to be pointless, and go back to letting us all go to the ballpark (and restaurants and churches and schools) as we always did. Quarantine and do the very best to care for the elderly, sick, and for cryin'-out-loud if we're going to do anything let's tell the obese to diet and exercise already. And if you don't want to go out and enjoy life because you're afraid of the virus, then please stay home smothered in disinfectant ooze if you want. No one is stopping you.

Then there is the racialist stuff. 

When I watched the postgame sports reports about the glorious play of my Chiefs, I got an earful of how transcendently righteous and progressive everyone was, especially the players. Bullshit.

When you do anything untoward when an anthem is playing for the purpose of exhibiting some measure of respect for something somebody believes in, you are making a statement. It doesn't matter if it is kneeling crouching arm-locking fist-raising or even, as many teams are now doing, staying in the locker room, you are saying something.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not a big fan of the national anthem thing to begin with. It isn't that I'm not patriotic, it is just my allegiance is to Jesus Christ, not a colored cloth. Whenever the national anthem is played in a setting like the pregame ceremony of a football game, however, I stand with my fellow fans out of respect for their feelings about it.

When these players do what they did, again it doesn't matter what it is, it is clear that they are saying one thing in particular. We all know it. They are saying in no uncertain terms:

You are all racist, especially you white people, and if you don't give up a better portion of your wealth to hand over to irresponsible people who blame others and refuse to have a reckoning with themselves to make something of their own lives, then we are not only going to browbeat you with the aid of the powerful news and media organizations who enable all of this, but we will seek government redress to accomplish those ends, at your peril.

This is precisely why quite a few of the some-17,000 fans at Arrowhead last night booed when the players did all this stuff, which apparently included some kind of lineup across the middle of the field with both teams' players arm-in-arm. This is precisely why the ratings for last night's game was crap, down 16% from last year's Thursday night opener, an exceedingly dull 10-3 Packers win over the Bears.

It is simply because so many people, including many blacks by the way, know that this is the message, loud and clear, and when you tell a paying customer the government and whatever other powers-that-be must prosecute you for something you didn't do, then they are going to take their dollars elsewhere.

That is a critical part of this equation. I can't deny that there are some people who may be horrifically racist. That's bad, I wish they weren't. I'm fine with talking with them about it. But what these people so hypnotized by the major race-hustlers are doing is grossly violating the Ninth Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness. 

They don't know dick squat about what any given white person does or has done out of their own individual, actual, real love for black people. I'd venture to say most white people have worked their asses off at their jobs so black people (and everyone else) may have a great life in this country. I'd venture to say most white people have done any number of other things that blacks have benefited from enormously: done community service work, given money to charities, donated blood that saved the life of a black person they care about. How many others?

This is precisely why when these "Black Lives Matter" aficionados thrust their middle fingers in the face of any large group of white people they encounter -- such as fans in the stands or those with their televisions on at the moment, they shouldn't be surprised when they get the middle finger right back. The few times I listened to TV pundits address it they plaintively bleated "How could they boo when this is about wonderful unity?" They don't get it. There's not much unity when you're interminably sneering at people about how intractably racist they are.

So here's the reality. I saw something there last night on the telecast about making sure more money is spent on helping out the disadvantaged black person. How should that money be spent? That's a fine question. Let's think about the best use of our financial resources to truly aid the disadvantaged.

The typical idea that is feverishly being heaved into the mainstream is wholly Marxist: tear down all the institutions that make our society decent and orderly (they're all so racist we are told) and rebuild it so the wealth is much more evenly distributed. Essentially, again, we're going to take your money and hand it to others who did nothing to contribute to the wealth to begin with. If that happens, behold a country that will be a communist hellhole. At least right now all those booing fans still have some capacity to say and do what they can to prevent that from happening.

But yeah? How about that glop of money now? What can we do with it?

Two key things.

First, spend more on the police, specifically to find and corral all the men, and yes, many of them are black men, who sire children they do not care for. For that matter, let's make more laws governing what happens with sex to begin with. That's really one of the core elements of this present quasi-dystopia. Here in California where I live there's a new law, AB 145 -- many people know of it because it is so disturbing -- that will make it easier for rapists to get away with sexual assault. There're a lot of technical details about statutory rape and sentencing, but the fact is we've gone so far away from the truth that marriage is so important to a stable society. So first, restore the firm sanctity of marriage and family. Make men accountable for their behavior related to sex and children.

Second, I know many will say "But you can't arrest an irresponsible man and force him to take care of his children beyond providing whatever child support he can." True. This is why one of the stupidest things to do is to enlist government to just hand him someone else's money because we feel sorry for him. One of the smartest things to do actually is to spend money on missionaries -- yes, that's right, missionaries, people who can minister to those men with the love of Christ so they will turn to the one who does heal and deliver and restore and empower a man to be the man God made to begin with. And don't get me wrong, women need a good measure of that too, for them in the way God created them to be!

I'd love to hear that feature of the solution moving forward. What blows my mind is it is not hard for anyone to readily acknowledge the millions of black people who are faithful followers of Christ and do understand exactly what I'm talking about.

Instead we only hear the propaganda from the progressive wings in government and the atheist materialist organizations, all who believe an army of social workers will get the job done. Not even. We've been trying to do that for years, and we've reached the boiling point. Look where we are. Hmm, that kerosene helped make this fire worse. To put out the flames... shall we add more kerosene?

The things you see at places like Arrowhead last night represent just another chapter in the expanding vitriol and violence.

I love my Chiefs. I loathe their racialist browbeating. It'd be great for pro football to get back to what it was like before with, yes, maybe a bit more actually meaningful support for getting more resources to enforcing the law for the exclusive purpose of then sharing the Kingdom with those most racked by their sin.

And I don't mean the Chiefs Kingdom.


The image above was from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Thank you.


Postscript: Right after I uploaded this post, I got word that Jason Whitlock wrote this. The dude is amazing. So encouraging that there are people who are insightful and considerate and get it. There are many more than just us -- there is hope


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