Thursday, September 10, 2020

Texans at Chiefs - Week 1 - Record: 1-0

Can the Chiefs be any more dominant this year? Everyone had an inkling Clyde Edwards-Helaire would be special, but wow. 138 yards rushing on 25 carries, and I don't even think he caught a pass -- maybe one if I remember when he picked up eight or nine yards. What will it look like when he does the other thing he's supposed to be very good at -- catching passes.

Oh my.

His touchdown run was an ankle-breaking sensation. He got a crease then juked two guys out of their shorts to get free. Our O-line played splendidly as well, just sealing off linemen to give CEH his space. They were speaking all night about an Andy Reid team just never running the ball -- I think they displayed a stat that said the Chiefs were the lowest run percentage team ever to win a Super Bowl.

When you've also got Patrick Mahomes there, no wonder. He was his standard excellent self, throwing a touchdown pass to Kelce first, then Watkins, then later in the game ice it.

I mean. We have a phenomenal embarrassment of riches.

Ah, to be a Chiefs fan.

And the Chiefs actually allowed fans in the stands, and the some 17,000 who were there were making noise. It was wonderful.

There are a number of things I could add to this post about our delightful opener win, but I will share something right now about the whole political thing. I actually DVR'ed this one for the first hour simply because I didn't want to have to endure looking at a bunch of coronavirus hysteria stuff (needless masks, pointless spacing, unnecessarily empty seats) and racialist insanity (slogans & PSAs telling me about how racist I'm supposed to be). I did fast forward past a lot of it, at times I did happen to catch a couple seconds of the racialist stuff before I hit FF, and I do know about all the grandstanding they did at the start of the game.

But to be honest, it did seem to be toned down. The painted and pasted on slogans were not as brazenly exhibited. I really think they toned it down a bit because they know how questionable it is to basically give the finger to so many who pay these players' salaries. That is encouraging. 

To be honest, I think it was awesome to see Patrick Mahomes wear a Negro League jersey at the postgame presser. Kansas City is proud to have downtown the Negro League Museum, and there is no reason we should not celebrate the accomplishments of those players in the face of the discrimination they faced. I totally understand that. Not going to get into it now, but let's hope more is in the mix to address the disadvantaged than just meaningless on-field demonstrations and lethal Marxist-oriented suggestions which if implemented only make anyone and everyone's lives so much worse.

For the bulk of it, however, an extraordinarily fun evening. The anticipation for Chiefs greatness just continues even further beyond 02/02/2020. How fun is this ride.


The photo of CEH is by Andrew Mather at the official Chiefs site. Thank you.


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