Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Something That's Going On, Addendum

Yesterday the Chiefs Kingdom Editorial Board, the same group that effectively went to bat for Tyreek Hill a few years ago to dispel all the crap assumed about him and his domestic life essentially saving his pro football livelihood, put up an investigative piece that claimed the poor coaching job by Chiefs Offensive Coordinator Eric Bieniemy is what truly cost the Chiefs the AFC Championship Game. It cited several instances of player-expressed objections to his too-frequent inept play-calling and habitually poor relational skills.

It concluded by claiming that it really wasn't the NFL doing something to derail the Chiefs chances, it was just the Bieniemy inadequacy. The article made special note of the pronounced antagonism between Bieniemy and Mahomes, with Mahomes' screaming "Call the f***ing play or I will" getting some attention.

Well, the CKEB has since removed the article, because they claim they wanted to get it right. That's cool, I hope they get correct anything they missed and post it again. (You may look around at "Medium" type websites and their references about it yourself, they're there.) But another stated reason was because the CKEB didn't like that people were posting in the comments section what they said were racist remarks. I have no idea what kinds of things were said there, so I'm not going to surmise.

But I do believe, still, that there are things happening in all of this that certainly does mean the NFL and any other significant Powers-That-Be are thrilled the Chiefs are enduring this -- they've worked to make it happen. This, even though the CKEB piece felt it had to emphasize, right there explicitly at the beginning of the article, that the NFL had nothing to do with the Chiefs wildly improbable collapse in that game.


They did.

Indeed the whole thing stinks to the heavens and it goes far beyond a coach just messing up a few plays. Once again what happened on that Sunday almost three weeks ago was unfathomable. Yet another epic Chiefs playoff game collapse -- especially this one -- can be the result of only two things. Either the Chiefs people involved whoever-they-are are that incompetent -- and sorry, you simply can't get that far into the postseason with that much talent and in one single half of a game have that much incompetence vomit all over everything, or it is the second thing...

There is brazen duplicity going on.

Just look at how much the CKEB has felt so fearful of posting their piece. Why? Whose feelings are they trying to protect? Whose involvement are they trying to hide? Maybe it is nothing on their part and they are, indeed, just wanting to get their story straight. Again, make it honest and trustworthy -- totally fine, fully expected, nothing less.

But I'm afraid there is something in all this that is way more insidious, I really do. Still.

Something is going on.


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